A Jewish vision of a world seeking progress and harmony under a banner of kindness


As we approach the mid-21st century it’s clear that society is increasingly isolating, harsh and unjust. 

What is needed on every level – personal, communal, national, global – is the return of kindness to underpin human interactions. 

Well-meaning, random acts of kindness won’t suffice: we need  RIGOROUS KINDNESS.


What is Rigorous Kindness?


  • A caring and compassionate approach to the world that is robust and determined, strong enough to withstand those who would reject or dismiss it.


  • A contemporary reconnection with the prophetic message of ethical monotheism that has always been at the heart of Progressive Judaism.


  • An approach to the world that can bring positive change to every sphere of life from our personal relationships to the struggle for social justice and our engagement with the planet.


Rigorous Kindness is a practical theological approach that can offer Progressive Judaism and its adherents direction and hope in an uncertain, shifting world. 

Our mission, with the help of as many allies as are willing to get involved, is to offer robust, helpful and comprehensive thinking and approaches that will contribute to and enable a more socially just and equitable society locally, nationally and beyond.


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